How and Where to Grow Corn Marigold

We will tell you how and where to grow Corn Marigold.

Corn Marigold is a beautiful garden plant. It can have dozens of  large, golden flower heads above the foliage.

Mixed with other cornfield annuals such as Cornflowers, Field Poppy, Corncockle and other annuals it can make a spectacular show.

Whilst it prefers light, gravelly and slightly acid soils. It will grow well on more fertile conditions. You can sow it in the autumn or spring but Corn Marigold does tend to prefer spring sowing.

Corn Marigold is an attractive plant for bees, butterflies and moths.

The wild plant is of average height. The flowers are golden-yellow discs which are borne singly on the ends of the stems. The leaves are  toothed, hairless and covered with a waxy layer that gives them a greenish blue-grey colour.

 As an annual it will flower in the first summer. To get it to come back in following years you may need to cultivate the ground lightly each autumn to create a new seed bed.

How and where to grow Corn Marigold

Flowering season  is June to September

Height Can grow to 20  to 50 cm

Cultivations. Sow the seed where it is to flower on it's own or as part of a cornfield annual mix. Scatter the seed thinly and cover lightly with soil.Butterfly on Marigold

Seed packet

Seed in Bulk